Glidden Drive Association
Save the date:
August 2, 2025
Sevastopol Town Hall
Membership Renewal
Membership fees will be collected for the 6/1/2025 to 5/31/2026 membership year in May. Please fill in the online renewal form by clicking HERE. Send dues ($30 per household) to:
Glidden Drive Association
P.O. Box 261
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
Membership Directories
Directories were mailed out to all paid members in October. Information appears exactly how the name(s) and info were provided with your online submission.
Men's Coffee and Gab
Join some of your neighbors each Wednesday from 9-10am at the Happy Hour in Valmy. For $5, you get a bottomless cup of coffee, a donut and lots of camaraderie.
Womens Luncheon
The Women's Luncheons are held each month at local restaurants. If you are interested in joining the group, please contact Deb Brillion at for information.
This website is dedicated to the residents of Glidden Drive. If you have any news, updates, corrections or comments or that would benefit this community, please feel free to send them via email to or mail your items to:
Glidden Drive Association
P.O. Box 261
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235
Click HERE for Board Meeting Minutes
GDA Board
Jean Elste- President (2019)
Danny Mantynband - Vice President (2017)
Peg Linzmeier - Treasurer (2024)
Holly Glessner - Secretary (2022)
Gretchen DeCoster (2019)
Lynda Szczepanik (2019)
Steve Murray (2021)
Neil Zachariasen (2023)
Ralph Latta (2023)
Key Contacts
Website Liaison - Jean Elste
Social Events Coordinator - Lynda Szczepanik
Propane Liaison - Steve Murray